only you have the recipe for your own happiness.a famous quote.
cuz i say it's famous.
a good friend told me this.
it made me happy.
it made me feel confident and proud.
it made me feel like everything would be okay.
but then.
what if you don't have the ingredients?
what if someone forgot to pick up the eggs?
(to this bacon)
i was happy and proud.
that day was supposed to be "a perfect day" :)
:S then i got detentions. TWO. because of a misconception and rediculusness.
and probably some other things.
but that was most prominent.
just. that smile faded away.
and this new ugly face took it's place.
just. that was supposed to be a good day.
and how, he has the AUTHORITY to do that.
to just take it all away.
anything he wants.
makes you feel helpless.
hanging on for hope?
when it's just to hard to cope the road out?
i have hope.
i hope i have hope.
sometimes i feel like there's none.
but then i find it.
a flake.
that's slowly melting.
even though the ground grows colder.
i just want to be happy.
like. not for just a few hours.
or minutes.
but days?
it's not even big problems.
it's just too many little things to cope with.
i'm so stressed out.
and scared.
i'm scared...
the perfect day.
being taken from me.
maybe by myself in reality.
but still, being taken from me.
hasn't just happened once.
i think three or so times.
i told myself.
how i was going to be better.
how i was going to try harder.
how i was going to be happy.
because i would start making the things i wanted happen.
but then something happened. or i heard some comment.
and so.. XP it's a work in progress.
by the time i'm old enough for family and teachers to stop telling me
how to live
how to breath,
it'll be a new game.
and that dye i wanted?
that external harddrive?
that xbox?
that trip?
that will now be controlled by bills. and debt.
and work.
and things will get pushed aside.
i've been thinking about the future alot lately.
but not at all at the same time.
i just feel helpless.
and like my life is over after it's hardly begun.
i feel like i'm in my dying days.
but i can't just be happy.
and smile and make it the best.
and i want to.
and i'll keep trying.
people like it when you smile.
in general. people like when people smile.
people like when people are happy.
people like when they don't have to deal with you.
but i understand.
it gets repetitive.
and annoying.
i suppose.
i miss just lying in the grass.
just staring.
and just it feeling like home.
but i moved away from that home too.
this year. i can't lie in that spot. and feel the same peace,
the same welcoming as i did the summer before.
some days i want to chuck my computer out my window.
then i won't feel disappointed when i sit here for hours.
not doing a thing.
and making myself invisible.
but still expecting someone to just say to me
"hey?" and for them to tell me all their problems.
to tell me all their secrets.
not just trivial stuff to make small talk.
and i could help them.
and i could listen to them.
i was really good at that.
i might still be.
and i'd feel accomplished knowing that,
i helped.
i made a difference.
maybe i'd forget about myself again?
i'd be more self-sacrificing.
with all my complaining.
and all my whining.
and all my crying.
i feel just. pitiful.
it's sad :S
and it's selfish.
i feel very selfish.
it's dumb.
and i used to be more quiet.
but now that i voice my opinions.
i also complain alot more.
i hate being pissed off. it's not like me at all.
I hate it.
oh mr. pitiful, who let you down. who let you down?
you still don't believe, and you're grievances show.
please come down from that cloud you're sitting on.
I like this blog post.
filled with a variety of emotion.
and i like that quote too.
I dont think you can make the 'recipe' until you have everything 'under control'.
once you realise that there is someone that can make you feel like shit in the pinch of a button, you're going to have to try extra hard to be happy, but after that, it should be effortless.
and i understand how people use you as a resort to vent.
and what I say, is that you shouldn't make yourself out to be the good guy all the time, because you're going to get hurt. People will see you as someone they can go to just if they need something, and they will hurt you. Take it from someone who knows.
It changed my whole,
whole perception of life.
i miss our yelling sexy spot too.
you know, i don't even go walk by it anymore, because i take another route.
you know,
sometimes i ride by it, and don't even take a second glance, because i've forgot about it.
i'm so sorry.
it makes me sick.
you're not being selfish,
you might be the most selfish person i've known.
do you notice that even the mr.pitiful song,
is in a happy beat?
-wink wink-
What i think you need to do first, dear,
is write down a list of things you need to get straight, before you can be happy.
even if it involves major crying.
you need to fix and find out what you need to know.
i don't think you should force yourself to be happy, because you rather not be sad.
happiness is something that comes effortlessly,
it shouldn't be strained.
i love you.
;) i thought you'd like that quote.
i think it takes time.
to gain control.
and i'm just wayy too impatient.
and want to control everything at once.
but also, i don't think that i want to deal with it. the responsibility that comes with control.
i don't mind that people use me to vent. it makes me feel closer to them. like we bond. and special that they chose me, that they trust me.
and if i'm ever the bad guy.
people get mad.
and agressive.
or mean. and yell.
or say bad things.
which depending on the person.
it doesn't bother me.
but i don't like conflict.
but you're right.
i'm just going to hurt myself.
either way.
by letting people use me
and take advantage.
or by continuously disappointing myself.
our corner :)
that was a nice place.
but it was the place with the time
with the PERSON, that made it so great.
i don't blame you for not even going by it.
that was our spot.
but now it's just a spot.
with lots of great FANTASTIC memories :)
a place we'll walk by and go
;) "i still got it" *nods*
LOL :P read this carefully. and explain after.
you're not being selfish,
you might be the most selfish person i've known.
:) that song brought me back last night.
just. it mellowed me out.
and i really listened to the lyrics.
and it's sad.
but happysad. ish :P
it's hopeful :)
made me feel hopeful too.
i'm such a procrastinator.
i really should stop that.
so if i make a list.
the hard part for me is taking action.
but i'm taking the first step.
i've handed out resume's.
and my first guitar lesson EVERR is tomorrow :)
with creepy guy :S
don't know if you've heard of "Eddie Spagetti"... >> but ya. he's my teacher. i limbo'd with him once.
canada day when i was young.. >>
he wore shiny wigs....
i won't force myself to be happy.
well...>> i'll prolly try.
but i'm trying to force myself to smile.
smile smile :)
i did a good job today :)
today was a good day though. :P
weirdly :S
XP kinda a bummer that GM was "sick" and stayed home.
but my french teacher was half-decent for once. and i didn't get a hard time from anyone.
i went home for lunch :P
mainly cuz i got ditched :PPP LOL
but also cuz i mean, i'd avoid being alone and bored.
even though i was alone at home.
i had a purpose.
i went to GM's after school,
RIGHT :PPP i left my cell at his house yesterday..>>
??wink maneuver!! :D oh BABY. execution perfect?
i think i just feel alot better.
when i feel i have a purpose.
:) but i'm smiling.
and i'll keep smiling :P
if it kills me. :P LOL (don't take that seriously XDD)
OH MAN. :P i'm going on msn!!! XD i have too much to say!
even though not too much XD
I know what you mean.
I want to have a puppy, but I would hate to have to clean its poopies.
mom says i can get one if i show responsibility by cleaning my room and having it stay like that, but.. i.. not good at stuff like this.
oh god, i just started laughing by reading 'i still got it'
WE WERE SO OBVIOUS, WE STOOD THERE... AT THE WALK, YELLING 'SEXY!' and the GUy was right on the other side, and we'd LOOK AWAY, AND HE KNEW.
thats so immature.
but i want to do it again,
you .
ahahah dude, thats probally the most contradictory thing you must've read, eh!? ehh sorreh!
i know what you mean!
if you know you were needed, you feel happy.
everyone in this world is of need of you,
so you should always be happy knowing that.
LOL :P go to the mall and harass people? sit on a new sidewalk? a bus stop? lol :P we can find somewhere.
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