Saturday, August 16, 2008

you're a part time lover and a full time friend

we sure are cute for two ugly people.

[ D A Y O N E : C O N T I N U E D ]

okay so :P upon arriving at the fair. mouse(TRAP)'s PARENTS were sitting on a blue bench waiting beyond the gates XP.
it was weird. because. my parents look funny in contrast. my mom medium sized and native. and my scrawny cowboy dad. :P

anyways, i got popcorn that i didn't want XP we ditched it at the horse place. lol :P
well, that was after. ahem, so we get there, and i chat up about my plans of action that night, and then, Katt and Berd and I can't find the ticket line up :( we didn't know where it was!!.
well XP Quiche beat us to the punch. while i chatted and we scavenged, he was almost at the front of the line. :S i always feel bad when i budge. because. i hate it when people save spots for their friends in line and they're right in front of me..

so we got our wristbands. :P and then Blondie and Gameboy show up XPP JUST when we get ours XD, so we meet them and sit in line again :P,
and miss Pony(TOEZ) comes out of her day job to see us :P she was busy with well... ponies XD all through the fair :P, she had some time so she hung with us for awhile.
okay. now the FIRST RIDE we went on :) (well.. together XP i went on a ride with Pony's brother before that :P) it was AWESOME XD me katt and sam i beleive, we went on it again laterz XD. :P we watched it in the line, and were like, "what the heak? it only drops you once?". see, it's like the Hellevator at the PNE :PP cept... not so high. and. not so long XP. but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT. :D twas awesome. suspence kills you! and it's not tooooo long like some rides XP.

omg XPP mouse and Quiche went on the zipper :( , it was CRAZY XD. okay :P now . i was kind of dumb. and had things in my pockets... so XD we were on there. and :P Quiche is screaming like crazy lol, and my tic-tac's fly out of my pocket and bounced around the ENTIRE time XPP, and MY NEW CELL PHONE! it and it's case unclip from my pocket! it starts bouncing around AND QUICHE CATCHES IT! XD, and so he LOST GRIP!! it lands on the floor! and he WEDGES IT UNDER HIS FOOT. we are flipping :' and i feel something fly off me!!! :(, well, the phone flips to the top again, and quiche catches it again, THEN i grab it :P and i shove it in my shirt so that i know it won't go too far XDD THEN. the ride is basically over..... XD lol. :P it was a blast. then. i realize. my ipod nano. third gen. :( eight gig. :'. it was what flew out. MY TIC-TAC's EVEN MADE IT THOUGH! :( the carny guy found it. it works though. has like, a crack running through thefront and it's eternally on shuffle. until it runs out of songs..... :PP but.. it works :'

oh. either before or after i met sam :P
... well.. sam hung out with us. but mr Roberto and Cornelius showed up too :P but Blondie and them kinda disappeared lots.

(LOLoL! i just got a txt. said "No, your a horrible f***!" LOL :P and because of T9 it said that. and i got another and it's like "er... liar.")

ANYWAYS XD. :P we went to see Pony's pony :P, and Katt doesn't like ponies. and :P Pony chased her wif the pony. and Katt and Berd said sick things. and then Katt called ME the perv >:S
and pony had a show at 330. :P and we wanted to go on rides XP, so we left :PP for awhile. oh. XD and before that. KATT accidentallY STOLE A BALLOON FROM A CHILD XD!!!!
:P Gameboy ended up wif it. gameboy's funny. i never really hung out with him. he's pretty cool.

gameboy lent sam ten bucks so that he could go on rides :P, and THEN XP sam gives his bracelet to a friend :PP lol. silly sam.

(i had a stuffed poodle from my great aunt. :P his name was Sam-boy. lol.)

OH. we went on the spinning strawberries XP, mannn. i love those. those must be right up there with the ferrace wheel. and SAMM!!! XD he THROWS A WATERBOTTLE! INTO THE STRAWBERRY!!! XD WHILE IT"S SPINNING!!!
silly sam.
:P it just kind of flew in. kind of random. XD and when it was over the ride guy was like, "you guys alright?? i wanted to punch that guy!" AHAHAHA!
:) it's good you were with us Sam-boy.

:P we saw these awesome dudes. they were like, old ragtime guys. like, golden age music :P stuff you'd hear in saloons. jazz? ya :PP, it was awesome though. they were great. :) we sat for awhile. got some pics :P. they old. LOL.

IT RAINED SO HARD FOR AWHILE!!!! XP was right after Pony's show. only me and Katt were able to go XPP, Gameboy was disappointed that we weren't going on more rides :P.
PONY GOT FIRST! :P then she got second in the next one!! :) she's very good.

OH. :P we sat in teh bus for awhile. XD and ate mini donuts :P Gameboy bought so many XD LOL. i got a snapshot of him stuffing his face so that i can sit and giggle :) gonna post it on facebook. :)

oh, i gots Katt a Katt In The Hatt hat. :) it's awesome :P loloL! don't even know if she still has it XD, i basically just payed for it :P since i didn't get ANY of the darts in :S neither did Berd..

i MUST note. that. "SAM IS A PERV" because. he is. and he was showing off that fact >:( just because he LIKED being called that ):<

:) mouse and Katt got face painted as a mouse and a cat. :) :P mice have triangle noses and cat's have circle noses XP DUHHH :P nobody seemed to REALIZE that. can't make EVERYONE see when you let down your façade. i GUESS NOT. :P

saw DERBY. :P daphne loves derby. but not that fa(mouse)..... :P he buds wif sam. :P LOL we accidentally ditched him :P he said he'd be right back... and.. we kinda left XD lol, oh well we found them later :P(his brother and this chick with blue hair... it suited her :), she was pretty cool :PP, i guess. :P she was nice).

well. we missed the PG idol XD LOLOL :P that woulda been funny. i saw the commercial XD AHAHAHAHA. :P
and there was a cool ABBA cover band we passed :P they were RLY good from what I saw.

LC34 didn't play on the day we were there :P they decided to pick two nights with really good times instead of all of them with crappy ones XP oh well.


last ride was teh ferrace wheel :)
mouse and Quiche
and Berd and Gameboy went :)
i love the ferrace wheel :P
took a bunch of pointless pics XD :P
and my MOTHER was down there :PP
yellow and all.
so XP
my time was up.
and SAMBOY! in GLASSES :P lol he funny.
silly sam.
so i hugged and goodbye'd
XP and just when we thought we got away with the whole day wifout her.
theres this miss _______ that came up and hugged me XP.
she's biking up to my villiage.
and she's doing bad things. with fromented apples ...
and i don't like her.
and so. i'm going to try and get a job before then :P LOL.
it's bad. but. :/ i like to be as honest as i can without hurting someones feelings.

other than the last part.

:P hell, even with that last part.

:D that day was pretty radical.

:) -mouse at the fair. 2008-08-09

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