mouse came to write on zee blogzz here.
but. u know. good ole auto sign in. and i had a message.
now mouse is being a freak.
it was such a sweet thing to come home to. and now i can't keep my focus.
mouse has to leave the comp for a bit.
(million yearz later. after mouse is focuzed. ...
... okay. billion yearz.)
okay. well. my day just turned from shit to rainbows.
and now that kind of makes it hard to recount my days.
well. i will start off with the beginning. then skip some :P and come back to it. cuz let's leave on a happy note.
well. this day was the ninth of august 2008, and mouse had to walk to the bus depo.
(there's really nothing else to call it.)
there was a young man drinking what i believe to be orange juice. people in this town are generally nice. with generally good intentions. so it pleased me when he said good morning. and i back at him. because. sometimes it's nice to know that the world doesn't hate everyone so much as to be rude.
the night before i had almost four hours of sleep, which helped me wake up for my crisp walk. it was nice. foggy. but kind of like a dream. alone. but not lonely.
well.. cept for that guy on the bike. :S what the hell WAS he doing at six in the morning riding around town??? ... ANYWAYS.
took the bus to "over the hill". and. T O B E C O N T I N U E D lol.
i made NOTES :PP .
that night. (cuz i'll talk about the good day later.)
ahem. [ D A Y O N E ]
(setting. father(TRAP)'s house. mother(TRAP)&mouse(TRAP) visiting.)
" i'm right back where i started.
in a trailer.
he gets drunk.
they fight. (about the stupidest things.)
... i'm waiting for the part where she cries..
and also. i can't really hide in my room.. 'cuz that doesn't exist here."
"went to bed early. exhausted. tired. alone. bored.
.. no service sucks.."
[ D A Y T W O ]
(setting. same as day one.)
"not quite alone.. last night i had my cuddle buddy Newt. he cheers me up with his smile.
when my mom told me that the place was closed on Sundays, I realized that I could have went to Pony's.
I almost didn't leave the bed today. after I ate, it was too cold to stay in the company ofthem . as a unit they shouldn't be mentioned. They fail horribly. and I think it's sad how they pretend their marriage still exists. It's only a piece of paper still saying so.
It's hard to stay in bed all day. but it's about 3:15 pm. not long before I can come back for sleep at night. maybe i'll take a shower. that'll use up my 2 hours."
.... and then. mouse was a freak that night. BUG ON COMP.. ew. XD. sry. :P ,
well, i wrote alot that night. and now mouse is mad at self for being dumb. :P mice arent that smart. that's why they're common in labs. no one cares about... NVM.
well anyways. mouse droned on about stupid stuff that doesn't matter anymore. and then worked herself up. and was sad. cuz her cuddle buddy didn't come that night.
" (lalalalalalaalalala)... ends 11:15 pm.
okay I lied., like, a half hour later (from that time). Newt finally came to see me."
[ D A Y T H R E E ]
(setting. the same. morning. leaving soon.)
" so far. i feel better. more neutral.
I just am excited to leave. but. not excited at where i'm headed.
I probably won't -beep- again till i'm gone."(XD everyone who reads that beep will take it the wrong way.)
okay. and for days. that's all i wrote down. but other things i noted on my way out.
kay... ninth is day one. tenth.. eleventh.
okay. so the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth.... :/ and fourteenth.
i spent at Anna Faye's .
she always gets me to read stupid books. that i don't really want to read 19 times out of 20. and I always come back with about half the books completely untouched. and worst. if i DO read the book. it's usually part of a series. usually a LONG series.
well anyways. this time. it was a book that I actually no longer MINDED reading. but. i mean. i didn't really love the book. and it's hard. because. she kept asking me my critique on every. single. LITTLE. aspect. and scenarios. and who vs. who.
and then her OWN stories that she writes. which aren't half bad. but they're like the book she READS.. so i'm not totally into it. and then. it's a rerun with the questions. even though i don't know anything. and BASICALLY. its. exasperating. and quite. annoying.
i. have. become. a .. stickler for higene. it's just something i've developed. because. i feel gross when I don't shower for one day. because my hairs get really greasy really fast. and so does my skin. and i'm prone to getting dirty. because. :P i have no balance. and i know that i'll be able to clean up later.
well. at the Faye house. it's not the same. they live out of town. and their water is from a creek with water so filled with iron that it runs the color of rust... not safe to drink. and they run on solar panel's and a power plant. and it is a farm. and they don't say it. but they are poor. i believe it's their fault. but i still feel kind of bad. and .
now. i had a shower on the eleventh. but i haven't had a good shower since then. till.. maybe.. half hour from now? HOLY COW IT'S BEEN AN HOUR WRITING THIS!. kay well... maybe late LATE tonight i'll get my shower XP even though it's only nine. but. it's been three days since a decent shower.well.. three and a half since it was early morning. and the closest thing i had was two days ago when i was able to wash my hair. that is why i hate staying at the farm. it is hard to bath there. because they run on a weird schedule because they are lazy and watch tv. harsh. but true. my nose has been burning and itching since before i got inside their house. her mother smokes. and i find it to smell like shit. i will wash all my clothes tonight. even if they are clean. and the dogs are eating meat from god knows where. and licking you. and lying on the carpet. that hasn't been vacuumed since they had Anna's B-day. wich was like a month ago. at least i'm assuming. and we all know what assuming does... but i'd bet on it.
her mother is a smoker. gets those big cartons of nicotine and tubes. and then has this thing so put it in the tube. :P i don't know what it's called. so she basically rolls them herself. i guess they save money that way.
[mom just came in.. " so you getting caught up with everybody?" .... me, " kind of." lol if this counts as everybody? XD ]
but anyways.
another thing.. i must say. i MIGHT have been the only one washing their hands EVERY time they go to the washroom.. and THEN SOME. and i probably was the only one brushing their teeth too. because. A.F. got a new toothbrush on the day i got there. it hadn't moved from the spot it had been for the time i was there. and the toothbrush i used (because i accidentally left that at father(TRAP)'s) was one of her old ones that i cringed at because there was no hot water to wash off anything.) and i think i might have been the closest one out of me and her to have a shower. and she was the one going to tutoring. i just. i have a problem with that. because. she was technically ABLE to do that. i didn't really have a choice with my bathing. she wouldn't have been nervous to demand the power plant to go on at night. or optimize timings.
right. and i finished one book of the series i didn't mind, but then i started another. XP they're LONG books. ug. my eyes started to hurt on the bus ride home. that's all i've done for the past three days except play video games and watch t.v.
the one night. she didn't interupt too much. even though she was so BUSY reading HER OWN BOOk. of the same series XPP, she still had TONS of time to chat. and ask lots of questions. that wasn't so bad. because. for a couple hours she DID shut up. but the next night. AND DAY. she chattered so much. as SOON as i agreed that i would stay one more day. i swear. it made me want to not come back.
i certainly didn't eat the way i wanted to. or how much. or how often. or what. because. i'm a big eater. and she's a small eater. and i eat more times a day than probably alot of people even. (i heard it was good for your metabolism. like. more small meals than just fewer big meals. and it's true. but it just kind of stuck.) so. two waffles at like 10am. and then nothing cept a blizzard that contained wayy too much sugar for my system to handle around 4. then dinner at 5:30. that was annoying.
and. where we went to dinner one night. well. we were invited by relatives to join them at the salvation army for dinner. and it felt weird. i wore my sunglasses in. and i felt like a jerk. because. we didn't NEED to be there. well. maybe more than i would think. but. i know that I didn't. i'm not trying to sound all high and mighty. but. i felt bad. like i was freeloading off of the charity of others. and it was true. those relatives contributed to the church and stuff. but. we didn't. i'm not even that religious. and.... the food wasnt the best i've had. but i wasn't in much the mood for chicken and yellow rice that night.
another point i wrote down. was. about one night. well. every night actually.
when are you too old for dessert... never.
when are you too old to ask your parents for dessert...
when are you too old to ask your parents if you can have cookies and milk for dessert.
when am I old enough to make my own decisions.
... i dont like white milk.
i don't always prefer cookies.
and. i don't want my popcorn portioned for me thanks. i'd rather have the cookies then mang.
i thought all of this the other night when Anna Faye went to the living room (and i heard through the paper-thin walls) and asked, " mummy? can me and mouse have some milk and cookies for dessert?" ... i had a deja-vu moment. for the second time on this trip. i remembered her probably phrasing it the exact same way... only when we were like. ten. and even then i think i might have thought it was kind of dumb. (XD didn't mean to confuse anyone.) the point is. we both grew at different speeds. considerably. even though i AM a year older. i didn't mean it like that. we are just. really different. and that might have been a reason we were friends when we were 3. maybe it was a reason i stayed friends with her when i was 6. and 11. and so on. but. we just headed down different paths. but i have to be the one that keeps backtracking to come see her.
maybe i want us to be in different places.
i want to grow up.
this was another point.
because. i don't want to GROW UP.
i want to
i just. feel uncomfortable around them. i don't trust her. and i don't approve of how her lifestyle is. i accept it. but. i no longer feel compatable.
i feel horrible.
for lying to someone for so long. trying to make the relationship work. when i don't want it to . because i pity her. i feel bad for her. she's had rough times. and it would kill her if i left.
and i left today. and i was happy. i didn't care that once again i had to ride home on the bus looking like i was a homeless grubby. i didn't care that i smelled like shit. i just wanted to leave. so i put on a smile. which i WAS happy. but for the wrong reasons. hugged her goodbye and left. :/ .
we had a few pitstops. but. those are borring.
back to the good part.
[ D A Y O N E : C O N T I N U E D ]
:) i found a Berdie.
):< a GOOD Berdie. that wasn't being a BERD. >:)
i missed sir Berdie. he meeted me at the bus stop. :/ sad. cuz Grey Matter couldn't come. and i know he wanted to meet Berd. but. i think I wanted him to meet Berd more :P.
anyways XP it's like an hour and a half walk from his house there. so i tried to talk him out of it the night before. but :P he got his grandpa to drive him. so it turned out good. :S it'd be weird waiting alone for .... 4 hours :P while everyone else was waking up. and just heading over to the EVENTT. >:). so. me and mr. "B" -nudge nudge sunny(D). :D -
we chatted lots. :) twas nice to joke around and catch up. never really have lots of quality time with the Berdie. told me bout what he did. which was BAD!! XP STEALING a waveboard. :P well.. i think they're cool. and it was hard not to laugh. so. upon leaving, we were talking food. cuz we hungry XD. u kno :P mcdonalds, and stuff. we never DID go to that little coffee shop with those amazing cakes. :P we walked right by. silly Berd. instead, he was on his way to the bank, so we went to Tim Horts. it's a nice little donut shop. you should try it. :P i secretly (well not so secretly so i voiced it later...) wanted to buy a twelve pack of the big donuts... instead of my measly ten pack of bits. :( and i wanted the glazed brown ones not the plain ones. i should've looked at the sign more carefully. :'
and i gotz OJ and a BGLLLL :) i likes bagelzz. and i freaked out when they only put the cream cheese on one side XPP, because, i always thought it was on both. but.. ahem.. the heat melts it to both of them.. and i felt silly. ( okay. i know. WAYYY too much detail XD but it's going to continue. i want to get back into my good mood.) we went to a nearby bus stop to eat. lol! a bus stopped ( i SO called it) and asked if we were going to go on. and i think he said "look scary!" XD so he like lowered his tooque (how the hell you spell it.) and i put on my shades. but i couldnt stop laughing. and the bus drove by. and i really wished i had a picture. because. it looked cool. the way we were reflected. and we looked radical XD eating tim hortons and hogging the bench. total kodac moment. DA material. then.. we went to the mall? ya.. no wait. :p we went to ... umm... the bank! XD
he could only take twenty out at a time XP it was dumbbb.
and we went to sears. for a camera memory card. but XP that kind was discontinued. so we like. walked across the mall to get to the source XD, :P cuz it moved. and we forgoted. and it was there XP right. i bought batteries that morning too. XP and GUESS WHAT. they had like, a free batterie pack with purchase! i said no at first. because. i'm like. i dont wanna buy more batteries. but then i found out it was FREE. and i was like, HEAK YES! and.. :/ i didnt... :' i didn't get my batteries.
hmm. what else.
we went to electron. :P Berd needed to buy a new pedal. he wanted a distortion one. the guy said that for his " modern rock " sound, he should try the metal core. :P sounded better. XP LOL we couldnt set it up XD it was so easy, but this amp was weird XPP, we had to get "assistance" LOL. and of course i embarassed myself when he asked B if he would like a chair and me on the floor saying " no thats okay i'm fine" . :PP
XP ACCORDING TO SOME BERD. AND SOME KATT. old man was hitting on my at one point. but ahem... i'd bet it was closer to hitting on Berd than ANYONE. :PP think he thought i was Berd's girl. lol, :P what a senile old man. :O i think he was making INNUENDO! >:[ now he's just rude. sorry. i just made a new conclusions :S he was saying weird things. and i just smiled politely.. and looked at buttons. and sat on a floor.... that yellow strap was kind of cool... cept it had words.
ANYWAYS. punch line, Berd decided metal core sounded better :P lol, so he went to buy it XP and his card declined! he had the money. but he couldn't access it because his account is stupid. XD he'd have to withdraw money for a week before he could pay for it :PP. twenty at a time. because. technically he can withdraw 25 a day. but. ahem. YOU KNOW.
right LOl and by electron, on our way XD i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, :P but we ran into one of the MOST RECENT ex-gf's of his. :P they were polite. maybe stoned. :S cuz they obviously were the kind that would be all cheery to him then make comments when they were out of earshot. XP
:P and Berd. and his MIND. and him needing to TELL ME THINGS. like. aherm. getting the whim of an idea to do something. just like it was like saying " hey, we should go to starbucks and get frapps!" .. which we did. :) strawberry. :( orange is discontinued :'
he had chai. it was good :/ i should have it next time. or maybe i'll try green tea....
BACK TO IT. XP mr Berd and him going " hey, i should kiss ___! :) she wouldn't mind. she'd be cool with it." sometimes. mouse isn't the only freak :S XD lol. it was kind of funny. how he sounded almost child-like. and also :PP how it worked out. oh well. weird things.
found a pocket knife.... slash shaver XD LOL, you know, those old fashioned ones. :P i have it. Berd put it in mah bag and i forgotted to give it back to him before i left XP.
after the call of nature-all stonesssssssssss-coffeehouse. we started walking to the EVENT. :P miss sunshine blooze said that if they saw us walking on the road they would stop and pick us up. and XD we got picked up :P
my mother told me not to roll with strangers yo.
OWCH! XD do sneezes ever hurt YOUR pelvis? XPP mine did. i just did a giant convultion.
anyways. mr. ... what shall we call him. mr. G-STEAM. ??? i'll work on it. and have to remember to edit it if it changes. was in his facade of mr. big and mighty. :P for some reason. i still think he's soft on the inside. just like everyone else. he just acts tough. he knows how to love. :) he seems like a good big brother to sunny Daize. and her other big brother (not by tooo much, like a year) mr, quiche :), he's just so happy :) smiles lots. makes the atmosphere really relaxed :).
anyways, mr G ( LOL!) dropped all us'n's off at LE FAIR!! :) twas going to be a good day. lol mr G is a funny guy. always so angry :PP. he's silly.
but. XD i have been writing this for like. two and a half hours. everyone is going to be dead when they finished. and that is IF they ever finish. :P
i would like to thank you for taking all time for those of you who read it ALL. all my boring, detailed, angry, sad, happy, stupid life happenings of the last few days. :P
i must say i'm proud of the surviors. because. :P the happenings AT the fair, will be for tomorrow XP, because i've been typing for a long time :( and i don't even know if i have enogh time... OR ENERGY for a shower. so i'm gonna make my bed and sleep in it... and make it stinky XPP.
to be continued LOL.
but. u know. good ole auto sign in. and i had a message.
now mouse is being a freak.
it was such a sweet thing to come home to. and now i can't keep my focus.
mouse has to leave the comp for a bit.
(million yearz later. after mouse is focuzed. ...
... okay. billion yearz.)
okay. well. my day just turned from shit to rainbows.
and now that kind of makes it hard to recount my days.
well. i will start off with the beginning. then skip some :P and come back to it. cuz let's leave on a happy note.
well. this day was the ninth of august 2008, and mouse had to walk to the bus depo.
(there's really nothing else to call it.)
there was a young man drinking what i believe to be orange juice. people in this town are generally nice. with generally good intentions. so it pleased me when he said good morning. and i back at him. because. sometimes it's nice to know that the world doesn't hate everyone so much as to be rude.
the night before i had almost four hours of sleep, which helped me wake up for my crisp walk. it was nice. foggy. but kind of like a dream. alone. but not lonely.
well.. cept for that guy on the bike. :S what the hell WAS he doing at six in the morning riding around town??? ... ANYWAYS.
took the bus to "over the hill". and. T O B E C O N T I N U E D lol.
i made NOTES :PP .
that night. (cuz i'll talk about the good day later.)
ahem. [ D A Y O N E ]
(setting. father(TRAP)'s house. mother(TRAP)&mouse(TRAP) visiting.)
" i'm right back where i started.
in a trailer.
he gets drunk.
they fight. (about the stupidest things.)
... i'm waiting for the part where she cries..
and also. i can't really hide in my room.. 'cuz that doesn't exist here."
"went to bed early. exhausted. tired. alone. bored.
.. no service sucks.."
[ D A Y T W O ]
(setting. same as day one.)
"not quite alone.. last night i had my cuddle buddy Newt. he cheers me up with his smile.
when my mom told me that the place was closed on Sundays, I realized that I could have went to Pony's.
I almost didn't leave the bed today. after I ate, it was too cold to stay in the company of
It's hard to stay in bed all day. but it's about 3:15 pm. not long before I can come back for sleep at night. maybe i'll take a shower. that'll use up my 2 hours."
.... and then. mouse was a freak that night. BUG ON COMP.. ew. XD. sry. :P ,
well, i wrote alot that night. and now mouse is mad at self for being dumb. :P mice arent that smart. that's why they're common in labs. no one cares about... NVM.
well anyways. mouse droned on about stupid stuff that doesn't matter anymore. and then worked herself up. and was sad. cuz her cuddle buddy didn't come that night.
" (lalalalalalaalalala)... ends 11:15 pm.
okay I lied., like, a half hour later (from that time). Newt finally came to see me."
[ D A Y T H R E E ]
(setting. the same. morning. leaving soon.)
" so far. i feel better. more neutral.
I just am excited to leave. but. not excited at where i'm headed.
I probably won't -beep- again till i'm gone."(XD everyone who reads that beep will take it the wrong way.)
okay. and for days. that's all i wrote down. but other things i noted on my way out.
kay... ninth is day one. tenth.. eleventh.
okay. so the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth.... :/ and fourteenth.
i spent at Anna Faye's .
she always gets me to read stupid books. that i don't really want to read 19 times out of 20. and I always come back with about half the books completely untouched. and worst. if i DO read the book. it's usually part of a series. usually a LONG series.
well anyways. this time. it was a book that I actually no longer MINDED reading. but. i mean. i didn't really love the book. and it's hard. because. she kept asking me my critique on every. single. LITTLE. aspect. and scenarios. and who vs. who.
and then her OWN stories that she writes. which aren't half bad. but they're like the book she READS.. so i'm not totally into it. and then. it's a rerun with the questions. even though i don't know anything. and BASICALLY. its. exasperating. and quite. annoying.
i. have. become. a .. stickler for higene. it's just something i've developed. because. i feel gross when I don't shower for one day. because my hairs get really greasy really fast. and so does my skin. and i'm prone to getting dirty. because. :P i have no balance. and i know that i'll be able to clean up later.
well. at the Faye house. it's not the same. they live out of town. and their water is from a creek with water so filled with iron that it runs the color of rust... not safe to drink. and they run on solar panel's and a power plant. and it is a farm. and they don't say it. but they are poor. i believe it's their fault. but i still feel kind of bad. and .
now. i had a shower on the eleventh. but i haven't had a good shower since then. till.. maybe.. half hour from now? HOLY COW IT'S BEEN AN HOUR WRITING THIS!. kay well... maybe late LATE tonight i'll get my shower XP even though it's only nine. but. it's been three days since a decent shower.well.. three and a half since it was early morning. and the closest thing i had was two days ago when i was able to wash my hair. that is why i hate staying at the farm. it is hard to bath there. because they run on a weird schedule because they are lazy and watch tv. harsh. but true. my nose has been burning and itching since before i got inside their house. her mother smokes. and i find it to smell like shit. i will wash all my clothes tonight. even if they are clean. and the dogs are eating meat from god knows where. and licking you. and lying on the carpet. that hasn't been vacuumed since they had Anna's B-day. wich was like a month ago. at least i'm assuming. and we all know what assuming does... but i'd bet on it.
her mother is a smoker. gets those big cartons of nicotine and tubes. and then has this thing so put it in the tube. :P i don't know what it's called. so she basically rolls them herself. i guess they save money that way.
[mom just came in.. " so you getting caught up with everybody?" .... me, " kind of." lol if this counts as everybody? XD ]
but anyways.
another thing.. i must say. i MIGHT have been the only one washing their hands EVERY time they go to the washroom.. and THEN SOME. and i probably was the only one brushing their teeth too. because. A.F. got a new toothbrush on the day i got there. it hadn't moved from the spot it had been for the time i was there. and the toothbrush i used (because i accidentally left that at father(TRAP)'s) was one of her old ones that i cringed at because there was no hot water to wash off anything.) and i think i might have been the closest one out of me and her to have a shower. and she was the one going to tutoring. i just. i have a problem with that. because. she was technically ABLE to do that. i didn't really have a choice with my bathing. she wouldn't have been nervous to demand the power plant to go on at night. or optimize timings.
right. and i finished one book of the series i didn't mind, but then i started another. XP they're LONG books. ug. my eyes started to hurt on the bus ride home. that's all i've done for the past three days except play video games and watch t.v.
the one night. she didn't interupt too much. even though she was so BUSY reading HER OWN BOOk. of the same series XPP, she still had TONS of time to chat. and ask lots of questions. that wasn't so bad. because. for a couple hours she DID shut up. but the next night. AND DAY. she chattered so much. as SOON as i agreed that i would stay one more day. i swear. it made me want to not come back.
i certainly didn't eat the way i wanted to. or how much. or how often. or what. because. i'm a big eater. and she's a small eater. and i eat more times a day than probably alot of people even. (i heard it was good for your metabolism. like. more small meals than just fewer big meals. and it's true. but it just kind of stuck.) so. two waffles at like 10am. and then nothing cept a blizzard that contained wayy too much sugar for my system to handle around 4. then dinner at 5:30. that was annoying.
and. where we went to dinner one night. well. we were invited by relatives to join them at the salvation army for dinner. and it felt weird. i wore my sunglasses in. and i felt like a jerk. because. we didn't NEED to be there. well. maybe more than i would think. but. i know that I didn't. i'm not trying to sound all high and mighty. but. i felt bad. like i was freeloading off of the charity of others. and it was true. those relatives contributed to the church and stuff. but. we didn't. i'm not even that religious. and.... the food wasnt the best i've had. but i wasn't in much the mood for chicken and yellow rice that night.
another point i wrote down. was. about one night. well. every night actually.
when are you too old for dessert... never.
when are you too old to ask your parents for dessert...
when are you too old to ask your parents if you can have cookies and milk for dessert.
when am I old enough to make my own decisions.
... i dont like white milk.
i don't always prefer cookies.
and. i don't want my popcorn portioned for me thanks. i'd rather have the cookies then mang.
i thought all of this the other night when Anna Faye went to the living room (and i heard through the paper-thin walls) and asked, " mummy? can me and mouse have some milk and cookies for dessert?" ... i had a deja-vu moment. for the second time on this trip. i remembered her probably phrasing it the exact same way... only when we were like. ten. and even then i think i might have thought it was kind of dumb. (XD didn't mean to confuse anyone.) the point is. we both grew at different speeds. considerably. even though i AM a year older. i didn't mean it like that. we are just. really different. and that might have been a reason we were friends when we were 3. maybe it was a reason i stayed friends with her when i was 6. and 11. and so on. but. we just headed down different paths. but i have to be the one that keeps backtracking to come see her.
maybe i want us to be in different places.
i want to grow up.
this was another point.
because. i don't want to GROW UP.
i want to
i just. feel uncomfortable around them. i don't trust her. and i don't approve of how her lifestyle is. i accept it. but. i no longer feel compatable.
i feel horrible.
for lying to someone for so long. trying to make the relationship work. when i don't want it to . because i pity her. i feel bad for her. she's had rough times. and it would kill her if i left.
and i left today. and i was happy. i didn't care that once again i had to ride home on the bus looking like i was a homeless grubby. i didn't care that i smelled like shit. i just wanted to leave. so i put on a smile. which i WAS happy. but for the wrong reasons. hugged her goodbye and left. :/ .
we had a few pitstops. but. those are borring.
back to the good part.
[ D A Y O N E : C O N T I N U E D ]
:) i found a Berdie.
):< a GOOD Berdie. that wasn't being a BERD. >:)
i missed sir Berdie. he meeted me at the bus stop. :/ sad. cuz Grey Matter couldn't come. and i know he wanted to meet Berd. but. i think I wanted him to meet Berd more :P.
anyways XP it's like an hour and a half walk from his house there. so i tried to talk him out of it the night before. but :P he got his grandpa to drive him. so it turned out good. :S it'd be weird waiting alone for .... 4 hours :P while everyone else was waking up. and just heading over to the EVENTT. >:). so. me and mr. "B" -nudge nudge sunny(D). :D -
we chatted lots. :) twas nice to joke around and catch up. never really have lots of quality time with the Berdie. told me bout what he did. which was BAD!! XP STEALING a waveboard. :P well.. i think they're cool. and it was hard not to laugh. so. upon leaving, we were talking food. cuz we hungry XD. u kno :P mcdonalds, and stuff. we never DID go to that little coffee shop with those amazing cakes. :P we walked right by. silly Berd. instead, he was on his way to the bank, so we went to Tim Horts. it's a nice little donut shop. you should try it. :P i secretly (well not so secretly so i voiced it later...) wanted to buy a twelve pack of the big donuts... instead of my measly ten pack of bits. :( and i wanted the glazed brown ones not the plain ones. i should've looked at the sign more carefully. :'
and i gotz OJ and a BGLLLL :) i likes bagelzz. and i freaked out when they only put the cream cheese on one side XPP, because, i always thought it was on both. but.. ahem.. the heat melts it to both of them.. and i felt silly. ( okay. i know. WAYYY too much detail XD but it's going to continue. i want to get back into my good mood.) we went to a nearby bus stop to eat. lol! a bus stopped ( i SO called it) and asked if we were going to go on. and i think he said "look scary!" XD so he like lowered his tooque (how the hell you spell it.) and i put on my shades. but i couldnt stop laughing. and the bus drove by. and i really wished i had a picture. because. it looked cool. the way we were reflected. and we looked radical XD eating tim hortons and hogging the bench. total kodac moment. DA material. then.. we went to the mall? ya.. no wait. :p we went to ... umm... the bank! XD
he could only take twenty out at a time XP it was dumbbb.
and we went to sears. for a camera memory card. but XP that kind was discontinued. so we like. walked across the mall to get to the source XD, :P cuz it moved. and we forgoted. and it was there XP right. i bought batteries that morning too. XP and GUESS WHAT. they had like, a free batterie pack with purchase! i said no at first. because. i'm like. i dont wanna buy more batteries. but then i found out it was FREE. and i was like, HEAK YES! and.. :/ i didnt... :' i didn't get my batteries.
hmm. what else.
we went to electron. :P Berd needed to buy a new pedal. he wanted a distortion one. the guy said that for his " modern rock " sound, he should try the metal core. :P sounded better. XP LOL we couldnt set it up XD it was so easy, but this amp was weird XPP, we had to get "assistance" LOL. and of course i embarassed myself when he asked B if he would like a chair and me on the floor saying " no thats okay i'm fine" . :PP
XP ACCORDING TO SOME BERD. AND SOME KATT. old man was hitting on my at one point. but ahem... i'd bet it was closer to hitting on Berd than ANYONE. :PP think he thought i was Berd's girl. lol, :P what a senile old man. :O i think he was making INNUENDO! >:[ now he's just rude. sorry. i just made a new conclusions :S he was saying weird things. and i just smiled politely.. and looked at buttons. and sat on a floor.... that yellow strap was kind of cool... cept it had words.
ANYWAYS. punch line, Berd decided metal core sounded better :P lol, so he went to buy it XP and his card declined! he had the money. but he couldn't access it because his account is stupid. XD he'd have to withdraw money for a week before he could pay for it :PP. twenty at a time. because. technically he can withdraw 25 a day. but. ahem. YOU KNOW.
right LOl and by electron, on our way XD i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, :P but we ran into one of the MOST RECENT ex-gf's of his. :P they were polite. maybe stoned. :S cuz they obviously were the kind that would be all cheery to him then make comments when they were out of earshot. XP
:P and Berd. and his MIND. and him needing to TELL ME THINGS. like. aherm. getting the whim of an idea to do something. just like it was like saying " hey, we should go to starbucks and get frapps!" .. which we did. :) strawberry. :( orange is discontinued :'
he had chai. it was good :/ i should have it next time. or maybe i'll try green tea....
BACK TO IT. XP mr Berd and him going " hey, i should kiss ___! :) she wouldn't mind. she'd be cool with it." sometimes. mouse isn't the only freak :S XD lol. it was kind of funny. how he sounded almost child-like. and also :PP how it worked out. oh well. weird things.
found a pocket knife.... slash shaver XD LOL, you know, those old fashioned ones. :P i have it. Berd put it in mah bag and i forgotted to give it back to him before i left XP.
after the call of nature-all stonesssssssssss-coffeehouse. we started walking to the EVENT. :P miss sunshine blooze said that if they saw us walking on the road they would stop and pick us up. and XD we got picked up :P
my mother told me not to roll with strangers yo.
OWCH! XD do sneezes ever hurt YOUR pelvis? XPP mine did. i just did a giant convultion.
anyways. mr. ... what shall we call him. mr. G-STEAM. ??? i'll work on it. and have to remember to edit it if it changes. was in his facade of mr. big and mighty. :P for some reason. i still think he's soft on the inside. just like everyone else. he just acts tough. he knows how to love. :) he seems like a good big brother to sunny Daize. and her other big brother (not by tooo much, like a year) mr, quiche :), he's just so happy :) smiles lots. makes the atmosphere really relaxed :).
anyways, mr G ( LOL!) dropped all us'n's off at LE FAIR!! :) twas going to be a good day. lol mr G is a funny guy. always so angry :PP. he's silly.
but. XD i have been writing this for like. two and a half hours. everyone is going to be dead when they finished. and that is IF they ever finish. :P
i would like to thank you for taking all time for those of you who read it ALL. all my boring, detailed, angry, sad, happy, stupid life happenings of the last few days. :P
i must say i'm proud of the surviors. because. :P the happenings AT the fair, will be for tomorrow XP, because i've been typing for a long time :( and i don't even know if i have enogh time... OR ENERGY for a shower. so i'm gonna make my bed and sleep in it... and make it stinky XPP.
to be continued LOL.
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