Sunday, December 7, 2008

i want to know your plans.

i had this spell.
the seven days.
a whole week.i just. couldn't control myself.
my emotions.
it sucked.
i was so happy. when it didn't turn to eight.
it's over.
that's over.

but now, two days after.
i'm kinda scared and freaked.
i had such a good time with him.
and i've been so much happier.
but he was sorta spacey.
today and yesterday.
mainly yesterday.
he wasn't really paying attention.
and i'd say his name, and he'd jump and come back for a bit.
i dunno.

i'm kinda freaked out.
and getting scared again.

i don't want this to be April all over again.
i want him to talk to me and tell me how he's feeling.
cuz before.
i kinda knew something was up.
but. maybe for like a week or something.

not like. almost a month :S
it totally blindsided me.

..i don't want that to happen again.
i love him so much.
he's perfect. with all his flaws.
which aren't many. i couldn't name one.
i can't lose my best friend.


love stRuckk said...

aww mousey thats so cute the last little stanza if you would call it that

he's perfect. with all his flaws.
which aren't many. i couldn't name one.

Anonymous said...

i read becks comment before i read your post.
when i read the last two lines of her comment, immediatly this came to my head
"wow, she sounds so.. so intellectual, for her. (no offence) it actually kind of sounds like PONTs. i wish i coulda thought of that to read."

(i had new found respect for her, if i didnt realise it was your words copy and pasted)

good stuff.

when i saw the title,
i found love, say anything.

god what happened april.
im sure you told me, and i THINK i might know,
but i hope it dosnt.

whats up with grey matter ;[

love stRuckk said...

HEYY I AM TOO SMARTTTTT if I was retarted would I have 94% in english :P hahaha

Anonymous said...

i didnt say smart, i said intellectual
-rolls eyes- :P
and its 'retarded'
-walks away-

MOUSE(trap) said...

uh. cough.
i sent like.
a long message XPP
umm. but ya.
we took a break in april.
:P to make it short.
it sucked.
it lasted 12 hours.
but it still freaked me out.
and now i'm just paranoid.
and i get scared.
i love him as much as i did in the beginning. maybe more.
i don't want to lose my best friend.
and i get so scared.

i'd get up and make him a sandwich every day.

i'd give him space if he needs it.

i'd do anything to make him happy.
which sounds bad.
i'd do anything to fix anything though too. first.

but he assures me it's all okay.
and he tells me not to worry.
and so i'll secretly freak out.
but i'll just trust him.

i think it'll be okay though.

i just don't want it to go on for like a month before he tells me. i want him to tell me so i can fix it.

:P i got rejected though lol.
it wasn't big.
but i pouted pretty much all day.
i hope he's happy XPPP
beephead. >:'[


and i've been listening to alot of say anything lately.

lolol XD i BET She sounded like ponts.

:P and thank you both for lovely commentss

love stRuckk said...

welll kitty obiously I cant spell :P and UHMMMMM AWKWARD TODAY :/ ..............

Hi pant :D