Monday, July 21, 2008

although i didnt mention.. i prayed for you that day.

"old times always sound so bad. the calendar was the saddest thing, that i ever read."
"I hope you always know. that youll ALWAYS be the LIFE OF THE PARTY."

Mouse traveled down the lane, ducking and hiding from fierce james (Mouse's brother) to see dear Grey Matter. this day was spent with fun and games, like snakes and 'adders+ mortal combat on the sega.
and one game Mouse is a sore loser about. Mouse doesn't like this game..
It's the bug game.
you know.
where you tickle.
and pinch.
and take embarassing pictures.
or make the other feel bad for amusement.
or. well. the list goes on XP.

and then the second part of thsi game.
is the victim. either enraged or in a fit, does something back.

then a cycle begins.

until one, (usually the victim) gets SO ANGRY.
or cries.
or something rly dramatic happens.

and the game ends.

.. sometimes.

XP .
this game is fine.

.. i think we all need to learn some limits tho.


you see.
Mouse(trap) is too impulsive sometimes.
Mouse bit Grey Matter. Which probably wasn't a very smart idea.
it probably was a very bad one.
:/ Mouse shouldnt bite people.
do unto others as they unto you.
or something.
if Mouse bites people.
xP Mouse will get bit back.
or somethign worse will happen.

:/ games. have rules.
for a good reason too.
so that game... is not advised to play often.

... not when you're a mouse.

.... and your trying to wrestle a lion.

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